Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yart Sale Team ESST UPDATE ~ June 11, 2009

1.Welcome to the second day of the Yart Sale - June 11, 2009. Here is todays link, to the Yart Sale in the Promo section of the Etsy Forums:

2.We at ESST, are very excited that Etsy added some supportive features for the sale that will help sellers. Here is the post they added to The Artist's Closet original blog post about the Yart Sale on the Etsy Blog, The Storque:

Hello sellers! We Etsy Admin are really excited about the Yart Sale, a seller organized promotion becoming a yearly tradition. We want to tell you what we will be doing on our end to feature it.

* Free Shipping Collaboration — To take part in a free shipping promotion, tag your items with "yartfreeship" so that we can find you. Here's how we'll feature these items.
o Free Shipping universal Yart Sale tag for Etsy: yartfreeship
o Free Shipping Gift Guide located under the "Limited Time Promotions Guide" heading
o Home Page banner linking to this Free Shipping Guide

* Home pages — Lists made from "Yart" search term once per day throughout sale
* Etsy Emails: Integrating relevant "Yart" related content into the Weekend Deals Etsy Finds articles/emails. Please post in this forum thread.
* Twitter Collaboration — Etsy tweets with the Yart organizers' universal hash tag: #Yart
Thanks Etsy!

3. We also came across a wonderful Etsy Shop,, who is offering free Yart Sale Avatars. They are colorful and fun. Visit her blog here to download a free avatar:
Thanks Luckyroni!

4. Don't forget to follow us on twitter: