Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Twitter your way to sales.

Hi there. As an avid twitter bug i thought i'd drop a quick blog about 3 ways you can help grow your etsy site, promote ESST and publish your stock to a wider audience. Twitter is a great application. It's the fastest growing social network in the world.

If you don't have a twitter account yet head to http://www.twitter.com/ and sign up.

1) Tell people on etsy that you twitter, its as easy as Twitter: @Tinyark. You can search twitter for keywords such as knitting, craft and tools. This will show you all the posts and who made them on these subjects.

2) Twitter goes out to millions of people. You posts last for ever and you never know who will read them. Use this to shout out to the world about http://teamesst.blogspot.com and the April Extravaganza. PLEASE ADD #ESST to any tweet about ESST or something you want us to read. We can then search to #ESST and it will pop us.

You can start telling people about this new items/promotion right now and also 'retweet' (republish) you friends and other ESST people posts on your twitter and keep them alive.

3) Using an app like TwitPic you can add images to Twitter. This allows you to add a product to a tweet and let the world hear about it. You can (for example) add a pic, brief description and Etsy URL address to any item you sell.

These 3 simple things can REALLY improve your hit rate online. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use twitter to promote ESST and it's promos. Remember to add #ESST to posts you want us to retweet.

Additional information..

If you want to include more than just your tweets on Twitter check out www.TwitterFeed.com. This clever site will pluck RSS from what ever feed you want and pop it straight onto your twitter. This means when the latest story hits a craftzine then it will also hit your twitter.

* TOP TIP * This also means everytime you post a new item on ETSY it will be posted on twitter too.


Anonymous said...

great post. Twitter is definitely the way to go (presently) in online marketing. I have to learn more about using the # marks. How one posts it,etc.

TinyArk said...

Well.. # works like a tag. So adding it #ESST for example means you can search for #ESST and all relevent items pop up. The point of the # is to specify a group. You might for example belong to a knitting group. Searching for 'knitting' will bring up every single post with that word.. so tagging important posts with the # prefix means you can assign group or other important posts making them easier to find.

J-Mi said...

Ooh, great point/post! I've found that if I post an item to Twitter it gets up to 15 views in a matter of minutes!

I'm confused about the # a bit too. I've seen it around Twitter, but does it really work different than if I just type ESST?

Rocki Adams said...

I love using Twitter for a variety of reasons. It is one of the best online tools around!

Great article!

Ribasus said...

This is one of the best short articles on Twitter. Very useful! Thank you so much!!!

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